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Monday, April 2, 2012

Surprises and Fun!!

We had such a fun weekend a couple weekends ago.  My parents were planning on coming up for my birthday.  Just a short little trip, but we always look forward to them being here with us and watching all of Walkers new tricks.  Whether we go go go or just sit and do nothing we love having them! Well March is craziness in this family.  SO many birthdays! My niece, Kostyn, her 1st birthday was on the 21st of March.  So I kept trying to tell Kelsey to get on a plane and get out here so we can celebrate.  Her whole family was here, including her husband.  Knowing her too well I knew that wasn't going to fly.  So I would call her with all these bright ideas of someway to get her and her girls out here.  Little did I know she was planning on coming the whole time and I might say she did a dang good job hiding it and keeping me guessing.  I LOVE surprises more than anything, but for some reason I am hard to surprise and I always try to find out all the deets.  I'm too "planned" to let surprises happen.  haha but considering what she had to work with she did a good job!  I was changing Walkers diaper upstairs and heard our house alarm go off......  I started to panic and then......... I KNEW IT!!! nothing like a surprise visit from your bestie! So we had a fun day shopping and going to lunch and getting things ready for Kostyns party!

Yes Walker was happy....he isn't the biggest fan of dogs and the little kiddos were playing with one... haha

She is a DOLL!!!!! We love her so much, her loud voice and her big huge smile....we just want to eat her up! Not to mention watching her and Walker play together is the cutest! Happy Birthday Kostyn! xo

Saturday my parents flew in and we met Brandon for lunch, my mom got her routinely facial in Provo, and they offered to watch Walker while we went to a movie with Cory and Kelsey.  It doesn't happen very often when we can get a sitter for all the kids so we jumped on that! We saw Hunger games.  I never read the books, but let me tell you....... I AM OBSESSED with the movie.  I want to read the next two. I couldn't believe it in the beginning.  I couldn't wrap my head around how this book/movie could be "good" the concept of it all was making me so angry, sad, and sick to my stomach.  But it got me and I am now a Hunger Games junkie.  Let the reading begin (I am not a reader, wish me luck)
Sunday we went to the park and celebrated my Birthday and Grandma Judy's Birthday! They are two days apart so it worked out great.  My mom made a yummy heath bar cake and we had a good time hanging out with family!

they are the best of buds.....melts my heart

HAD to take a pic of our tickets..... duh. SO hungry for these games!

Grammie and Walker

studly duders

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